June 12th, 2009.

And now, what i want to tell you guys today is birthday's of one of my cousins. Then 2 days ahead, 14th, is my best-buddy's birthday. MOREOVER, 2 WEEKS AHEAD THERE ARE SOME BIRTHDAY of my friends, my relatives, my next-neighbor, my ex. teacher, and bla5x wargh. In fact, i should be excited of them finally after waiting for months they can celebrate their "born day". BUT WHAT MAKE ME ANNOYED IS: Should i post them text massage of birthday words everyday for a whole 2 WEEKS?! HEY I CAN'T AFFORD IT! Don't call me stingy, because i just make this fuckin' hell shit mobile phone become as efficient as possible. OH MY, CAN YOU GIVE YOUR BEST ADVISE?! I NEED AN ADVISE FROM TRUSTWORTHIES! ASAP

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Ini dia upcoming event yang bakal ada di sekolah gue tercinta (xo).
Sebenernya gue mo ngasih usul buat brosurnya, soalnya menurut gue kurang srek aje. At least, it's not bad, lumayan sih, give a million!

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Me & Photograph


Kalo menurut lo keren kita satu suara loh. ini adalah satu dari sekian banyak photograph hasil "colongan" gue di deviantart.com. gue lagi suka banget nih sama yang arts yang temanya soal diner. Itu loh "rumah makan" di U.S. 11:12 kok sama warteg di indonesia hahaha.

Kunjungin aja websitenya:
Click Me!
SEKALIAN liat punya adek gue ya:
Click Me!

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What i've listen today are..

  1. Coldplay - Strawberry Swing (2009: Viva La Vida or Death and All His Friends)
  2. Greenday - Know Your Enemy (2009: 21st Century Breakdown)
  3. Lily Allen - Fuck You (2009: It's Not Me, It's You)
  4. Schiller feat. Colbie Caillat - You (2008: Box Set)
  5. Katy Perry - Waking Up In Vegas (2009: One of The Boys)
  6. The S.I.G.I.T. - Black Amplifier (Acoustic)
  7. Black Eyed Peas - Boom Boom Pow (2009)
  8. Lady GaGa - Paparazzi (2009: The Fame)

nomer 1 - 7 enak sih apa lagi nomer 6, bedtime songs banget! khusus nomer 8 gue gak suka cewek exhibitonist, soalnya lebih cocok ada di web-porn ato gak di depan webcam, although she has nice "boobs" LoL.

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June 8th, 2009

Hari ini gak ada yang aneh, tetep aja bangun jam 05:00 pagi, mandi terus ke rumah aldy, biasalah nebeng gratis ke sekolah hahaha. But i felt annoyed when.. gue INGET hari ini ulangan bahasa indo cuma mo diapain lagi. Whatever i felt, whether it was excited, tired, or lazy, nothing would gonna change that. Mau gak mau harus ulangan biar naek kelas. Emang sih banyak yang bilang gue emang got talented dalam pelajaran bahasa, tapi sekarang ini gue males belajar bahasa indonesia, bahasa resmi gue sehari-hari yang suka dimix sama slang. Forunately, i could do it well and with flying colors eventhough i asked for an answer to one of my friend.

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