June 12th, 2009.

And now, what i want to tell you guys today is birthday's of one of my cousins. Then 2 days ahead, 14th, is my best-buddy's birthday. MOREOVER, 2 WEEKS AHEAD THERE ARE SOME BIRTHDAY of my friends, my relatives, my next-neighbor, my ex. teacher, and bla5x wargh. In fact, i should be excited of them finally after waiting for months they can celebrate their "born day". BUT WHAT MAKE ME ANNOYED IS: Should i post them text massage of birthday words everyday for a whole 2 WEEKS?! HEY I CAN'T AFFORD IT! Don't call me stingy, because i just make this fuckin' hell shit mobile phone become as efficient as possible. OH MY, CAN YOU GIVE YOUR BEST ADVISE?! I NEED AN ADVISE FROM TRUSTWORTHIES! ASAP

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